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Schiller Autó Család - Személy- és haszonjárművek. Hét autó márka egy helyen. Lexus, Toyota, Opel, Skoda, Fiat, Renault és Dacia márkakereskedéssel és márkaszervizzel várunk!. Friedrich Schiller - Wikipédia. Johann Christoph Friedrich Schiller, 1802-től von Schiller (Marbach am Neckar, 1759. november 10. - Weimar, 1805. május 9.) német költő, drámaíró, filozófus és történész. Őt tartják a legjelentősebb német drámaírónak, továbbá Goethe, Wieland és Herder mellett a weimari klasszikusok legfontosabb képviselőjének. Több .. Friedrich Schiller - Wikipedia. Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller (German: [ˈjoːhan ˈkʁɪstɔf ˈfʁiːdʁɪç fɔn ˈʃɪlɐ], short: [ˈfʁiːdʁɪç ˈʃɪlɐ] ⓘ; 10 November 1759 - 9 May 1805) was a German poet, playwright, historian, philosopher, and physician. Schiller is considered by most Germans to be Germanys most important classical playwright.. Friedrich Schiller - Wikipedia

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. Johann Christoph Friedrich Schiller, ab 1802 von Schiller (* 10. November 1759 in Marbach am Neckar; † 9. Mai 1805 in Weimar ), war ein deutscher Dichter, Philosoph, Historiker und Arzt. Er gilt als einer der bedeutendsten deutschsprachigen Dramatiker, Lyriker und Essayisten .. Friedrich Schiller | German Poet, Playwright, Historian. Friedrich Schiller (born Nov. 10, 1759, Marbach, Württemberg [Germany]—died May 9, 1805, Weimar, Saxe-Weimar) leading German dramatist, poet, and literary theorist, best remembered for such dramas as Die Räuber (1781; The Robbers), the Wallenstein trilogy (1800-01), Maria Stuart (1801), and Wilhelm Tell (1804).. Friedrich Schiller - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Johann Christoph Friedrich Schiller (1759-1805) is best known for his immense influence on German literature. In his relatively short life, he authored an extraordinary series of dramas, including The Robbers , Maria Stuart, and the trilogy Wallenstein .. Friedrich Schiller egész életében alkotott - Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller 1759. november 10-én született. A württembergi herceg, aki apját alkalmazta, a tehetséges fiút 14 évesen katonaiskolába parancsolta. Schiller nyolc évet töltött el a gyűlölt intézményben, ahol gyakran testileg is bántalmazták, s végül 1780-ban katonaorvosként szabadult.. Vers a hétre - Friedrich Schiller: Az örömhöz - Kétszázötvenöt éve, 1759. november 10-én született Johann Christopf Friedrich von Schiller német író, költő, esztéta, a világirodalom egyik óriása. A württembergi herceg, aki apját alkalmazta, a tehetséges fiút 14 évesen katonaiskolába parancsolta.. SCHILLER // THE GREATEST HITS, PART 1 (1999 - 2020) - YouTube. Greatest Hits (1999 - 2020),Hits from German Artist Christopher von deylen (Schiller). Friedrich Schiller életrajz - Német költő, drámaíró, lírikus, esszéista, fordító és újságíró, felvilágosult gondolkodó, filozófus, a weimari klasszicizmus egyik megteremtője és alkotója.. SCHILLER | Official Website. Welcome to the World of SCHILLER. New Live Dates 2024: Be part of iconic „Sommerlust" Open Air Events. Plus: Introducing the „Wanderlust" Club Tour 2024. Learn more about Germanys Electronica Artist #1.. Schiller (band) - Wikipedia. Schiller ( German pronunciation: [ˈʃɪlɐ]) is a German electronic music band. It was formed in 1998 and is named after the German poet and dramatist Friedrich Schiller


Originally, it was a duo consisting of Christopher von Deylen ( German: [ˈdaɪlen]) and Mirko von Schlieffen.. Friedrich Schiller - Wikidézet. Művek a Project Gutenbergben. Johann Christoph Friedrich Schiller, 1802-től von Schiller (Marbach am Neckar, 1759. november 10. - Weimar, 1805. május 9.) német költő, drámaíró, filozófus és történész.. A haramiák (dráma) - Wikipédia. A haramiák (eredeti címén Die Räuber) Schiller drámája 1781-ből, Schiller első teljes műve.A darabot a mannheimi színház mutatta be óriási sikerrel, 1782. január 13-án.A közönség tombolt, az előadást majdnem le is kellett állítani. A siker rögtön hírnevet szerzett Schillernek a német irodalomban, első bírálója rögtön „német Shakespeare"-t látott benne.. Opel Schiller: Opel márkakereskedés és márkaszerviz. Kényelmes és testre szabható garancia-kiterjesztési és karbantartási programok új Opelednek. Opel Finanszírozás. Rendkívül sokszínű finanszírozási termékpalettával, rugalmas, egyedi konstrukciókkal állunk ügyfeleink rendelkezésére. Opel Assistance.. A naiv Friedrich Schiller - A naiv Friedrich Schiller. „A költők, mármint akik valóban azok, kivétel nélkül vagy naivak, vagy szentimentálisak aszerint, hogy milyen az a kor, amelyben művészetük virágzik…"


Friedrich Schiller német költő, író, filozófus és esztéta, a német művészet és gondolkodás klasszikus korszakának kiemelkedő alakja .

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. Friedrich von Schiller: the Romantic lover. Detailed in Volker Hages book, From a Fireball to a Classic, is the "dare-devil" Schillers erotic obsession focused on two sisters, Charlotte, 21, and Caroline von Lengefeld, 24, the latter of .. Friedrich Schiller • Lebenslauf, Steckbrief und Werke

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. Erfahre mehr über das Leben und die Werke von Friedrich Schiller, einem der bekanntesten deutschen Dichter und Dramatiker der Weimarer Klassik. Lese über seine Jugendzeit, seine Ausbildung, seine Freundschaft mit Goethe, seine Krankheit und seine berühmten Dramen wie "Die Räuber", "Kabale und Liebe" oder "Maria Stuart".. Megállapodást kötött a Schiller Autó és a BYD. A Schiller BYD-márkakereskedése Észak-Pesten nyílik meg februárban. A Schiller csoport a BYD harmadik magyarországi partnere, a kínai vállalat tavaly októberben indította a forgalmazást Magyarországon első két márkakereskedőjével, a Duna Autóval és a Wallis Motorral.. Azonnal elvihető autók a Schillertől | Schiller Autó Család. Autókatalógus. Új autók készletről Használt autók. Márkáink. Fiat Schiller Lexus Pest Schiller Opel ŠKODA Schiller Toyota Schiller. Szerviz. Szerviz szolgáltatások. Szerviz Karosszéria Kulcsautomata.. Thousands attend pro-Palestinian march in London - BBC News. Thousands of people joined a pro-Palestinian march in London calling for a ceasefire in Gaza. Demonstrators carried placards emblazoned with "ceasefire now" and a giant puppet of a Syrian child .. Thousands attend pro-Palestinian march in London - BBC. Thousands of people joined a pro-Palestinian march in London calling for a ceasefire in Gaza. Demonstrators carried placards emblazoned with "ceasefire now" and a giant puppet of a Syrian child .. Spot Bitcoin ETFs Approved: The Crypto Industry Reacts - CoinDesk. Ben Schiller is CoinDesks managing editor for features and opinion. Previously, he was editor-in-chief at BREAKER Magazine and a staff writer at Fast Company. He holds some ETH, BTC and LINK.. Un premio al compromiso con la sustentabilidad - Clarín. De Schiller, recibida en la UBA y directora de Planeamiento en la Municipalidad de San Martín, había ganado una beca para un curso internacional de Planificación, .. A BYD erősíti magyarországi jelenlétét a Schiller Autó Család Zrt-vel .. Budapest - 2024. január 11. - A BYD, a világ vezető New Energy Vehicles (NEV) gyártója, ma bejelentette, hogy stratégiai kiskereskedelmi megállapodást kötött a Schiller Autó Család Zrt-vel, ezzel jelentős lépést téve a BYD magyarországi jelenlétének bővítésében.. Fiat Schiller: Fiat márkakereskedés és márkaszerviz. FIAT MODELLEK KÉSZLETRŐL. Azonnal elérhető modellekkel és kiemelt kedvezményekkel várunk Rád! Ne hagyd ki a lehetőséget!. Schiller Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster. Schiller: [biographical name] (Johann Christoph) Friedrich von 1759-1805 German poet and dramatist.. Find a Schillers Distributor. Find a Distributor. Schiller Americas has authorized sales distributors all over the United States. Please take a look at our distributors below. If you are still looking for a distributor or sales representative in your area or prefer to arrange a product demonstration, call us At 1-888-845-8455 toll-free or contact us here.. University in France | Schiller University. At Schiller International University in France, we offer Bachelors and Masters programs in the following fields that are most in-demand: International Business , Technology and Innovation, International Relations and Diplomacy, Sustainability Management, and Tourism and Hospitality. Explore our Bachelors and Masters programs and unlock the .


American University in Paris, France | Schiller University. The Schiller International University Is renowned for its exceptional educational programs, faculty expertise, and commitment to global citizenship. With a history of over 50 years of excellence, Schiller offers a wide range of programs in various fields, including business, international relations, and more.. Who is Schiller? | The Schiller Institute. A biography of the life and works of Friedrich Schiller (November 10, 1759 - May 9, 1805) produced by the Schiller Institute in 1984. At the Founding Conference of the Schiller Institute, the Evening Panel included a biographical film on the life, work and ideas of Friedrich Schiller. This is the text of that film, with subheads added.. SCHILLER USA | LinkedIn. SCHILLER AG, founded in 1974 is an autonomous enterprise with more than 700 employees and 25 subsidiaries, offering worldwide sales, distribution, and technical support. SCHILLER is known for its .. Biografia de Friedrich von Schiller - Biografias y Vidas .com. Friedrich von Schiller

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. (Friedrich o Federico Schiller; Marbach, Alemania, 1759 - Weimar, id., 1805) Escritor, filósofo e historiador alemán considerado el mejor dramaturgo de la historia de la escena alemana. Hijo de un cirujano militar, estudió medicina y derecho en la Escuela Militar de Stuttgart, en lugar de teología, tal como era su deseo.. Friedrich Schiller: quién fue, biografía, aportes a la ciencia, obras. Última edición el 4 de mayo de 2022 . Johann Christoph Friedrich Schiller (1759-1805) fue poeta, dramaturgo, filósofo, editor e historiador alemán. Fue el autor de Oda a la alegría, poema del que Beethoven escogió algunas partes para incorporarlas a su Novena sinfonía.. About Schiller Schiller is Innovation, Art of Diagnostic and .. SCHILLER is a renowned company specializing in creating, producing, and distributing medical devices

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. With a global sales network and 30 subsidiaries, we are a leader in the industry.. Schiller Grounds Care - Schiller Grounds Care, Inc. engineers .. Schiller Grounds Care, Inc. engineers, manufactures and markets some of the worlds most sought-after lawn and garden care equipment. Our passion for innovation, quality and reliability is evident throughout our full line of high performance products used by professionals, avid gardeners and homeowners around the globe.. Schiller/Oregon Sunstone - International Gem Society. Schiller/Oregon Sunstone. Oregon Sunstone comes in many varieties. Colors, color with schiller, copper schiller and champagne. Left: One of the prettiest types of schiller Sunstone in my opinion

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. As you can see this piece is a copper schiller spot surrounded by a very nice green halo. This is fairly rare and a top grade specimen.

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. Homepage - SCHILLER. About SCHILLER. SCHILLER, founded in 1974 by Alfred E. Schiller is a successful group with 30 subsidiaries and a global sales network. Today, SCHILLER is a world-leading manufacturer and supplier of devices for cardiopulmonary diagnostics, defibrillation and patient monitoring as well as software solutions for the medical industry.. 843TV - David Bartholomew: Gun Laws in South Carolina - Schiller .. whhisc-843TV_David_Bartholomew_-_Gun_Laws_in_South_Carolina_Schiller_Hamilton_WHHITV Run time 00:05:34 Scanner Internet Archive Python library 3.6.0 Year 2024 Youtube-height 1080 Youtube-id SkyLjvF4-c0 Youtube-n-entries 18195 Youtube-playlist WHHITV - Videos Youtube-playlist-index 5 Youtube-uploader. William Tell (play) - Wikipedia. William Tell; from the Schiller Galerie; by Johann Leonhard Raab. William Tell (German: Wilhelm Tell, German pronunciation: [ˈvɪlhɛlm ˈtɛl] ⓘ) is a drama written by Friedrich Schiller in 1804.The story focuses on the legendary Swiss marksman William Tell as part of the greater Swiss struggle for independence from the Habsburg Empire in the early 14th century.. Schiller Opens New Campus in Madrid | Schiller University. Schiller International University has just moved its Madrid campus to the central Paseo de Recoletos 35, a historic building in the center of Madrid, with 7 floors and more than 3,000 square meters, where students, faculty and staff can experience and develop in optimal conditions Schillers methodology, focused on experiential learning and digital educational technology.. Schiller International University | Tampa - Madrid -Paris - Heidelberg. This program prepares Schillers students to work in a Global world where the lines between the business and technological worlds are less and less defined; where marketing is no longer understood if it is not digital and internationalization of businesses via digital marketing is key. English. 40 months / 4 years. Madrid, Paris.. University in Germany | Schiller University. At Schiller International University in Germany, we offer Bachelors and Masters programs in the following fields that are most in-demand: International Business , Technology and Innovation, International Relations and Diplomacy, Sustainability Management, and Tourism and Hospitality. Explore our Bachelors and Masters programs and unlock the .. The Globe | Schiller University. Schiller International University Joins Forces with Chamartin Tennis Club to Sponsor the Jaime Riaño Silver Cup. Schiller International University has entered into an agreement with Tennis Club Chamartin to sponsor the Jaime Riaño Silver Cup for an initial period of two years.. Schiller Medical Equipment & Consumables | HCE. Schiller. Your partner in diagnostics and saving lives. Schillers excellence is the perfect interaction between device, software and user. "The Art of Diagnostics" is infinitely creative and it inspires us to continuously improve our products. View all products. Filters. Categories. Uncategorised (46). Friedrich Schiller - Wikiquote. Quotes about Schiller [edit] Schillers blank verse is bad

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. He moves it as a fly in a glue bottle. His thoughts have their connection and variety, it is true, but there is no sufficiently corresponding movement in the verse. How different from Shakespeares endless rhythms! … There is a nimiety — a too-muchness — in all Germans. It is the .. Schiller [The best of] - YouTube. An excellent mix with the best (in my opinion) pieces of "Schiller"You might also like (click on) Connectivity Solution | Schiller USA. SCHILLER is an innovation of connectivity!! SCHILLER reserves the right to make changes in design, specifications and features shown or discontinue the product described at any time, without notice or obligation. Images may be representative.. Schiller Elite V Big Bell Alto Saxophone - Black Nickel. Schiller saxophones come in a variety of beautiful finishes. Aside from the aesthetics the finishes are actually tuned for different sounds giving players the option of buying a saxophone that is pre-tuned for a particular style or venue. High-Polish Black Nickel & Nickel Keys: This finish produces a crisp resonance honk with full color .. Bachelor Degree Programs | Schiller University. Schiller International Universitys program offers a practical degree with real-world experiences in multiple international locations, including our campuses in Heidelberg, Madrid, Paris, Tampa, and online (depending on your degree)

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. Each campus offers a unique cultural experience, providing you with a well-rounded global education. .. Books by Schiller, Friedrich (sorted by popularity) - Project Gutenberg. The Poems of Schiller — Third period Friedrich Schiller 166 downloads. The Thirty Years War — Complete Friedrich Schiller 163 downloads. The Maid of Orleans: A Tragedy Friedrich Schiller 157 downloads. The Death of Wallenstein Friedrich Schiller 149 downloads


Literary and Philosophical Essays: French, German and Italian Friedrich Schiller .. Friedrich Schiller - Wikipedia


Friedrich Schiller. Porträtt av Ludovike Simanowiz, 1794. Johann Christoph Friedrich Schiller (1802 adlad von Schiller ), född 10 november 1759 i Marbach am Neckar i Württemberg, död 9 maj 1805 i Weimar i Sachsen-Weimar, var en tysk författare, dramatiker och filosof av weimarklassicismen .. SCHILLER AG | LinkedIn. SCHILLER was founded in 1974 by Alfred E. Schiller. Starting in a four-room flat as a one-man business, the company has become a successful group with around 1200 employees, 30 subsidiaries and a .. SCHILLER — Zeitreise Live (Mercedes Benz Arena, Berlin, 2016). Tracklist:¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯01. Zeitreise I 00:00:0002. Schwerelos 00:02:1403. The Future III 00:07:4904. Ile Aye 00:12:0905. Nachtflug 00:16:0206. Rubinrot 00:22:1407.. International University in Madrid, Spain | Schiller University. Our unique institution offers an internationally-focused curriculum, real-world partnerships, and the opportunity to develop a global mindset. With a history of academic excellence and innovation since its founding in 1964, The Global American University,Schiller is committed to developing world-savvy achievers through its Real Global Learning .. (PDF) Radical Schiller and the Young Marx - Radical Schiller and the Young Marx. This chapter reads Marxs early writings through the lens of Schillers On the Aesthetic Education of Man and vice versa. It deploys Schillers letters to delineate a powerful strand of aesthetic logic within Marxs developing theory of revolution and the state. At the same time, seen retrospectively from .. Walter Schiller (1887-1960) | Embryo Project Encyclopedia. Walter Schiller studied the causes of diseases in the US and Austria in the early twentieth century and in 1928, invented the Schiller test, or a way to diagnose early cervical cancer in women. Cervical cancer is the uncontrollable division of cells in the cervix, or lower part of the uterus. While living in Austria until his emigration to escape the Nazis in 1937, Schiller concluded that .. Schiller as Philosopher: A Re-Examination | Reviews | Notre Dame .. · Schillers Ästhetische Briefe is a fatally divided work because it treats the aesthetic as both a means and end. II. Myths about Schillers philosophical relationships to Kant and German Idealism: · Schiller attempts to relax the rigour of Kants moral principles. · Schiller defends natural feelings and instincts as motivations for moral .. F. C. S. Schiller - Wikipedia. F. C. S. Schiller. Ferdinand Canning Scott Schiller, FBA (16 August 1864 - 6 August 1937), usually cited as F. C. S. Schiller, was a German-British philosopher. Born in Altona, Holstein (at that time member of the German Confederation, but under Danish administration), Schiller studied at the University of Oxford, later was a professor there .. Friedrich Schillers play : a theory of human nature in the context of .. Friedrich Schillers psychological theory of play, his hypothesis about human nature, is embedded in the Aesthetic Letters . Its trans-historical value owes much to the committed interest in life in the late Enlightenment, and the theory itself is an example of that periods enthusiastic study of living organisms. It is within this context--of eighteenth-century natural history, natural .. SCHILLER, your partner in diagnostics and saving lives. SCHILLER United Kingdom Swiss-designed innovative medical technology. Swiss-designed innovative medical technology. Your partner in diagnostics and saving lives Our excellence is the perfect interaction between device, software and user. "The Art of Diagnostics" is infinitely creative and it inspires us to continuously improve our products.. William Tell | Play, Summary & Apple | Britannica. William Tell, verse drama in five acts by German dramatist Friedrich Schiller, published and produced in 1804 as Wilhelm Tell. During the 15th century, in the Swiss canton of Uri, the legendary hero Wilhelm Tell leads the people of the forest cantons in rebellion against tyrannical Austrian rule.. American University in Lisboa | Schiller University. The Schiller International University Is renowned for its exceptional educational programs, faculty expertise, and commitment to global citizenship. With a history of over 50 years of excellence, Schiller offers a wide range of programs in various fields, including business, international relations, and more. .. Meet the New CEO of Schiller | Schiller University. Marta Muñiz: "Schillers educational model and international environment make it exemplary". By Carmen García (This article was originally published at El Confidencial .) Marta Muñiz, Ph.D. in Economic and Business Science from the Universidad Pontificia Comillas, has been named CEO and President of Schiller International University (SIU).. Bachelors in International Business | Schiller University. At Schiller International University, students have the opportunity to interact with various cultures and learn about the social, economic, and political conditions associated with business practices in different countries. This exposure to diverse perspectives will help students succeed in todays interconnected world.. schiller medical equipment in the caribbean. SCHILLER is a world-leading manufacturer and supplier of devices for cardiopulmonary diagnostics, Emergency Care, and Resuscitation, as well as software solutions for the medical industry. The company was founded in 1974 by Alfred E. Schiller and has become a very successful group. We have developed unique products that have opened entirely new diagnostic possibilities.. International University in France | Schiller University. At The Global American University, Schiller, education goes beyond coursework. We believe in connecting our students with the professional world from day one. Through our international focus, students acquire the knowledge, skills, and global mindset needed to become Smart Global Professionals. This is what makes The Global American University .. Bachelor in International Business Administration | Schiller University

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. Why Opt for Schillers Bachelor in International Business Administration Program: Holistic Curriculum: Immerse yourself in a comprehensive curriculum, delving into fundamental business principles while emphasizing the intricacies of international markets. Acquire a well-rounded education, poised to tackle the challenges of the global business .. Schiller Hardware & Door Systems Louisville, Lexington, KY. Providing excellence since 1929. Since its founding in 1929 by Alfred L. Schiller, Schiller has provided the region with the finest in construction products and hardware expertise. Alfred started with a commitment to provide the best service to each customer that walked into his store. Today, our building has changed, but not our commitment to .. University in Tampa, Florida | Schiller University. Programs and Services. Schiller International University offers a range of undergraduate and graduate programs in areas such as business and international relations. Our programs are taught in English by a team of experienced professors, many of whom have extensive industry experience. We also offer various services to support our students .. Friedrich von Schiller - Poems by the Famous Poet - All Poetry. Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller was born in Marbach, Württemberg, of Lutheran parents. His father, Johannes Kaspar Schiller, was an officer and surgeon. He was ordered by The Duke Karl Eugen (Charles II) to attend the military academy instead of studying theology. The strict discipline, only strengthened his longing for freedom.. Schiller Medical Equipments | Schiller Medical Supplies. Schiller AT-1 EKG Machine For Dogs & Cats -- We Will Beat Any Price!!! Schiller AT-10i ECG / EKG Machine-- We Will Beat Any Price!!! Best Medical Equipment wholesalers of Schiller Medical Supplies, ECG Mount Schiller, Schiller EKG Paper, ECG Electrodes. Call us Now : 1-800-507-8244.. Aesthetic Reason and Imaginative Freedom: Friedrich Schiller and .. The present theoretical difficulty gave rise to Schillers aesthetic reflections. Schiller aimed at overcoming the subjectivity of Kants aesthetics through an "objective grounding of the phenomenon of beautiful" (p. 42). Frank shows how Schiller believed that a "primordial agreement between nature and reason" (p.. Why is volunteering essential in the educational journey of young people?. This is a great question, and from educational organizations such as AIPC Pandora or Schiller International University, we have an increasingly clear answer; people live and choose with their feelings much more than with reason, our feeling is strongly conditioned by our scale of values and these, in turn, by our life experiences. .. International tourism and hospitality management | Schiller University


The International Tourism and Hospitality Management program at Schiller International University, offers a comprehensive curriculum designed to foster global perspectives and cultural understanding. Students delve into subjects such as international hotel management, sustainable tourism practices, destination marketing, cross-cultural .. Climate Scientists Join Boston Colleges Schiller Institute. The Schiller Institute was created in 2017 to enhance multi-disciplinary, collaborative research processes to address critical societal issues in the areas of energy, health, and the environment. Named in honor of BC Trustee Phil Schiller 82 and his wife, Kim Gassett-Schiller, through a multi-year lead gift totaling $25 million, the ..